Book Review: Lives of Those Who Remember Allah

“Lives of Those Who Remember Allah” is a retitled version of “Remembering Allah – Your Guide to Purifying the Mind & Soul”. You may purchase the book in the link below.

This book walks you through the essence of zikr (Arabic for remembrance) which unites one’s intellectual, emotional and spiritual states. The act of mindfully engaging in zikr brings together both the rewards of doing an act of worship as well as the tangible benefits that can be seen in our daily lives, such as witnessing an increase in sustenance and other blessings.

Practicing zikr is more than just repeating certain phrases over and over again. However, understanding the meaning and the virtues behind zikr would enable us to taste its sweetness. Zikr is a tool that allows us to show gratitude towards our Creator. It provides us with an anchor to calm the storm whirling inside, seek forgiveness and reflect deeply on Allah’s Attributes and their manifestations in our lives. This book provides a useful guide to unlock these connections with zikr.

Just with any religious practice, we need to derive them from the Quran and Ahadith (collections of the narratives of Prophet Muhammad PBUH). Likewise, you will find various zikr from verses of the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH shared throughout this book. You can travel back in time to the different eras of the Prophets and learn how a particular zikr had helped them out during their most adverse situations.

Or seeing the generosity of Allah, such that the simple act of saying one word of zikr while pondering over its meaning can bring about immense rewards. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Purity is half of faith. The praise of Allah fills the Scale, as the glorification and praise of Allah fill everything between the heavens and the earth.”

Although these rewards and benefits that Allah promises us are a source of motivation, that should not be the sole reason for us to engage in zikr. One of the profound points shared in this book is that zikr should primarily be done to please Allah and seek closeness to Him. All the consequential rewards of doing zikr are secondary. This would ensure that we would not feel disappointed or give up on zikr just because we don’t see an immediate benefit in our lives when we start engaging in zikr.

Doing zikr for the sake of pleasing Allah, and because He deserves to be truly glorified, would enable us to deepen our connection with our Creator and truly reap the benefits of zikr. As Allah mentions in the Quran:

Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort.”


The book also offers practical steps to introduce and integrate zikr into our lives by gradually implementing zikr until it becomes a cornerstone habit. These tips are helpful to anyone who wants to begin their own journey with zikr and is willing to take the very first step, no matter how small. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

Take on only as much as you can do of good deeds, for the best of deeds is that which is done consistently, even if it is little.”

Allah says in the Quran: “So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.” [2:152]. Truly, zikr is a simple deed that is held in high regard. Because, when we remember Allah, we are remembered by The Creator of the heavens and the earth. Now, what can be greater and more honourable than that?

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