Of Toes and Blessings

There was once I met with a minor but freak accident on an escalator in Bedok. As a result, the big toe on my right foot received 5 stitches and I went to work for the next 7 days in sandals. As it turned out, the incident and the entire process of recovery was a … Read more

8 Lessons from the Tragedy in Gaza

Prelude We have seen in the past 8 weeks via news channels and social media how 20 000 Palestinians have been killed, and 1.7 million of them have been displaced and lost nearly everything that they had. We saw heart-wrenching images: a 9-year-old brother reading syahada to his dying 5-year-old brother; the targeted killing of … Read more

VUCA World, Social Media and AI: Auguring a New Age (Part 2)

This article was written on 4th December 2022 / 9 Jamadilawal 1444H.  Countering VUCA VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) pervades our lives right now as we navigate a new post-pandemic world demands, where leaders: To do this, I offer a strategy to counteract: VUCA Vision & Values Increasingly, more groups of people have begun … Read more